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Introduce students to Morse code to provide knowledge of coding related to letters and sounds

Allow students to use Morse code by creating a code for a partner to decode


Binary code and its relationship to computers through the use of numbers

Whole class practical activities - binary cards (as per videos)

Practice binary - worksheets


Introduction video (video to watch)


Prior knowledge - Whole class discussion (using video and link to real world)

•Have you seen Morse code used before?

•They mentioned who still uses Morse code in the video – Did you hear who it was?

•When do you think Morse code could be useful to know? (sample discussion questions)


Morse Code Visual and Sound Link (video to watch)


•Hand out individual student copy of the Morse Code A to Z letters

•I Do - Write teacher name on board using Morse code – write and sound it out using ‘dah’ (•) and ‘dash’ (-) (repeat for other words if needed)

•We Do – Write a brief message on the board using student input (example – Hello Year ?) – write and sound it out using ‘dah’ (•) and ‘dash’ (-)

•You Do – Students write their own name in their Technology book under heading Morse Code

•Fast Finishers can attempt the name of their friends, family or class members and swap with another student to decode

•Play interactive game –


Video 1 - Inside your computer - Bettina Bair (This video will give students an idea about how a computer works. It briefly mentions binary around 4 minutes)

■Video 2 - Binary - Coding & Computing - How it Works - The 2 Minute Lesson - 1990s (This video gives a brief glimpse into the reason why computers use binary)

■Whole class discussion – based around the contents of the videos and what binary is

ENGLISH Computer Science Unplugged - Part 1 Binary – 2005

■Discuss patterns and doubling concepts with the students

■Print large binary cards for this activity (these will be used multiple times) (laminate for longevity)

Unplugged: The show. Part 2: Binary – Counting

■Practice – students with large cards (as previously printed) (follow the format of the video for building on knowledge)

■Practice – worksheet – provide students with a copy of cards 1, 2, 4, 8 & 16 so they can use at desks – answer questions on worksheet ) do some practice examples on the board prior to students independently completing worksheet

Answer Sheet


Whole class practical activities - link to email videos

Students decode messages (I Do, We Do, You Do)

Independent - students practice creating codes (teacher to check)



Unplugged: The show. Part 3: Binary numbers – Email

■Photocopy, laminate and give each student a copy of alphabet to numbers to binary sheet plus print an A3 copy for the wall

■I Do, We Do, You Do writing messages using the alphabet to numbers conversions

■Students start to write messages in their technology journal (I suggest a simple message is chosen such as ‘Today is ….)

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